
Celine’s Ellipses by Akira Ohiso

A physician’s assistant from Tulsa put the cuff over my thick denim Levi’s shirt…the lower number is a bit high…the doctor did it 🔟 minutes later, and it’s “much better.”…lab draw to measure statin’s progress…pilgrim’s regress…2 vials of 🩸…DOB label…verbal confirmation…check the app for results…Celine’s ellipses because I am lazy…or I want to ride the crest of freedom…mail order scripts…hospital elevators slow today…the Skybridge…the Chapel…a Chinese man patches a wall between two elevators…I look for EXITS…Reserved For Kaufmann parking…not Andy…MD BMW…Market is vacancy…4 Lease…square footage…Foursquare…Jackpots on LED…pant entrails collect maple oak puddle water…unSWEDISH 💉…SineWAR & piece of shit under 🏧 … Planet Shitness… ALGREEN’S…WeWorked…moving 🎯…S is a safe passage in the Red Sea…vestigial doors post-pandemic ➡️…girl in orange snaps #selfie next to 🎃🎃…plastic flowers in real dirt…Skittle hues…🐓Big Mac…limited ⏳…the Yankees win, thaaa Yankees win….